Joanna Drugan (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)

Joanna Drugan, Professor of Translation at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Her research focuses on translation quality, ethics and technologies. She is Principal Investigator of the ESRC/AHRC joint-funded research project Transnational Organised Crime and Translation. Other current interests lie in real-world ethical challenges when professional translators and interpreters are not available, particularly in police, health and social work settings, and ways in which policy, training and technology can support professionals and service users. Jo founded the UEA Ethics Research Forum in 2013 and serves as its co-Chair. She is also a member of the Steering Groups for UEA’s Migration Research Network, Qualitative Research Methods Forum, and University of Sanctuary initiative. In 2019, she was elected as Vice-Chair (Research) of the University Council for Modern Languages, and awarded the John Sykes Memorial Prize by the Institute of Translation and Interpreting for her longstanding contribution to the translation and interpreting professions. She currently supervises PhDs on topics relating to the translation profession, language and social exclusion, translation ethics, and responses to translations and translators.
Recent publications:
- Untranslatability in Practice: Challenges to Translation and Interpreting, in Untranslatability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, D. Large et al. (Eds.)
- Translation Quality, Quality Management and Agency: Principles and Practice in the European Union Institutions (Joanna Drugan, Ingemar Strandvik and Erkka Vuorinen), in Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice, J. Moorkens et al. (Eds.).
- Translation in Superdiverse Legal Contexts (Joanna Drugan and Krzysztof Kredens), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity.
- Ethics and Social Responsibility in Practice: interpreters and Translators Engaging with and beyond the Professions, The Translator.
Deisimer Gorczevski (Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil)

Deisimer Gorczevski
Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Her studies focus on the cartography of urban and audiovisual interventions with streets, squares and beaches, among other common spaces, in order to broaden the attention and analysis of how residents live, cohabit and resist the neglect of public power, the constant threats of removal policies and the intensification of real estate speculation, particularly in the city of Fortaleza, one of the most unequal cities in Brazil and Latin America.
Professor and researcher at the Institute of Culture and Art at the Federal University of Ceará. Between 2019 and 2021, he coordinated the Postgraduate Program in Arts and, since 2016, she coordinates the Urban Arts and Micropolitics Laboratory – LAMUR, where he conducts research: Sensitive Fortalezas: Written with the City and Cinema In(ter)venção: Cine Ser Ver Luz in order to display the specificities of inhabiting forgotten spaces, the opaque areas of the city, at the same time alive and intense bringing up problems and potentialities, and affirming the place of residence, the spaces for community participation, artistic practices and audiovisual production as policies of resistance.
She has participated in the research project “Transnational Migration, Media Reception and Citizenship of Latin Americans and Europeans in the Urban Contexts of Barcelona and Porto Alegre” (2004 to 2008), an international project on media reception and citizenship of international migrations, developed within the framework of the Academic Program of International Cooperation Brazil-Spain with the participation of researchers from the University Autonomous of Barcelona (Spain) and Unisinos (Brazil).
She currently supervises postgraduate research with an emphasis on creative processes and urban micropolitics, audiovisual interventions, collective and collaborative practices, and research methodologies for arts.
Recent Publications:
Artes de Intervenção, Inventar Cidades (co-authored with Aline Mourão Albuquerque and João Miguel Diógenes de Araújo Lima. Revista Iluminuras, Porto Alegre, v. 22, n. 56, p. 23-53, june, 2021. Available in:
Arte que inventa afetos. (Organizadora), 1. ed. Fortaleza: Imprensa Universitária – UFC, 2017. 376p . Available in: / Repositório Institucional UFC: Arte que inventa afetos
Cinema que Inventa o Bairro – Cine Ser Ver Luz [Livro_Catálogo]. (Organizado com Maria Fabiola Gomes, Sabrina Araújo, Pedro Fernandes). 1 ed. Fortaleza. Imprensa Universitária, 2019, v.1 p. 213. (E-book) Repositório Institucional UFC: Cinema que inventa o bairro
Nossas Ruas Com Cinema – Cine Ser Ver Luz [Livro_Catálogo]. (Organised with Maria Fabiola Gomes, Sabrina Araújo, Pedro Fernandes, Priscilla Souza and Gerardo Barcelos). 1 ed. Fortaleza. Imprensa Universitária, 2019, v.1 p.96. (E-book) Repositório Institucional UFC: Nossas ruas com cinema
Pesquisa em perspectiva: percursos metodológicos na invenção da vida e do conhecimento. (Volume organised by Deise Juliana Francisco and Karla Rosane do Amaral Demoly), 1. ed. Mossoró: Editora UFERSA, 2014.
Facebook: Urban Arts and Micropolitics Laboratory – Lamur // Cine Ser Ver Luz
Instagram: @lamur.ufc
Gaia Giuliani (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Gaia Giuliani
Social Studies Centre,
University of Coimbra
Gaia Giuliani is a Political philosopher and a permanent researcher at the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. She obtained her PhD in History of political Thought at the University of Torino (2005) and received then 3 postdoctoral fellowships, respectively from the University of Bologna (2007-2009), the University of Technology Sydney (2009-2010) funded by the Australian Government under the scheme Endeavour Research Fellowship, and the Center for Social Studies (CES) (2015-2019), funded by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology [FCT].
Her research interests focus on visual constructions of race and whiteness from an intersectional viewpoint in British and Italian nation-building processes and colonial experiences, the US, the Pacific, and postcolonial Europe.
Her methodology crosses Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Cultural and Gender Studies. Her current research work aims to develop a critical discourse analysis of texts coding ‘fears of disasters and crisis’ and their symboplic and material impact on European and Western self-representations in the context of the post-9/11 terrorist threat, the so-called migrant and refugee crises, and environmental catastrophes including Covid-19 pandemic. On her topics, I teach and give lectures and seminars in many universities (e.g. in Portugal, the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, the US, Australia and India).
In 2018, she became Principal investigator of the FCT-funded three-year project “(De)OTHERING – Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and ‘internal Others’ in Portuguese and European mediascapes” (2018-2121). Since 2020 she is member of the Management Committee of the COST Action CA19129 – Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice (2020-2024).
Recent publications:
- Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene. A Postcolonial Critique (Routledge 2021). (Hyperlink).
- Race, Nation, and Gender in Modern Italy. Intersectional Representations in Visual Culture (Palgrave Macmillan 2019) {Finalist, Fifth Place Ex Aequo of the Edinburgh Gadda Prize 2019}. (Hyperlink).
- Zombie, alieni e mutanti. Le paure dall’11 settembre ai giorni nostri (Le Monnier/Mondadori Education 2016) (Hyperlink).
- Bianco e nero. Storia dell’identità razziale degli italiani with dr. Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Le Monnier/Mondadori Education 2013) Best book award 2013 for the category of 20-21st centuries of the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS) (Hyperlink).
- The edited book Il colore della nazione (Le Monnier/Mondadori Education 2016) (Hyperlink).
- Beyond curiosity. James Mill e la costruzione del governo coloniale britannico in India (Aracne 2008) (Hyperlink).
Maribel del Pozo Triviño (University of Vigo, Spain)

Maribel del Pozo Triviño*
University of Vigo
Maribel del Pozo Triviño has a PhD in Translation and Interpreting (T&I) and is a sworn English-Spanish translator-interpreter. She has worked as a T&I for many years and also as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Vigo (Spain) for more than eighteen years. She teaches both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is currently International Coordinator at the Faculty of Philology and Translation.
Maribel has published extensively on different aspects of legal translation and public services T&I and is currently involved in several research projects in the mentioned fields. Her most recent research focuses on the impact of language and cultural barriers on migrant and refugee women victims of gender-based violence. She has coordinated the EU-funded project “Speak Out for Support (SOS-VICS)” focused on training interpreters to work with gender-based violence victims in the different contexts (legal, social, health, etc.). Moreover, she is a member of several research groups and professional associations.
Monika Schmid (University of York, UK)

Professor of Linguistics at the University of York, UK
Monika S. Schmid is Professor of Linguistics and Head of Department
of Language and Linguistic Science at the
University of York. She obtained her PhD in English Linguistics in 2000 from the Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf. The topic of her thesis was First Language Attrition, Use and Maintenance: the case of German Jews in Anglophone Countries. She has since held positions at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. From 2013 to 2021 she has been a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Essex where she was also Head of Department (2018-21).
Her work has focused on various aspects of first language attrition. She has published two monographs and edited several collected volumes and special issues of journals on this topic, most recently the Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition (2019). She has received funding from various sources, including the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Dutch National Science Foundation NWO and the Economics and Social Sciences Research Council (ESRC) for her work.
Website: https:/
Twitter: @MonikaSSchmid
Jose Henrique Resinente (University of Nottingham, UK)

University of Nottingham
Jose Henrique Resinente is originally from Brazil. For 19 years he coordinated a sexual health project to support migrant Portuguese speakers all over London to have access to HIV/STI testing and treatment. He is a humanistic person-centered counsellor, has a Masters in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and has recently concluded his PhD at the University of Nottingham, researching vulnerabilities to HIV infection among the Brazilian expatriate population in England. He has a keen interest in Public Health, Human Rights, Health Policy, and has attended various international conferences advocating for the rights of migrants from Low and Middle to High Income Countries, and access to health services. He believes we can now end the HIV epidemic globally and wants to tell you how you can help.
* = external collaborators of the EHum2M research team