Pre-event online 2021

Pre-event online, 8 to 9 April 2021 (past event)

to ‘warm up’ for the postponed conference Humanity / Humanities on the move in 27-29 April 2022, and to give input to the

European Humanities Conference (EHC), 5-7 May 2021, especially on the topic of Migration & Diversity (round table)

The common partner is the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH – UNESCO)

  • Short presentations of 19 projects, networks and partnerships.
  • Discussing a first draft of a position / policy paper on Migrations & Humanities (input to the European Humanities Conference

presentations, in alphabetical order: AMM, CIPSH-UNESCO, Círculos de Hospitalidade, (De)Othering, DiverCidade, ICSP-CS, IncludeHER, InclusiveCourts, JaRICCA, MELINCO, MIGRA, MultiMind, Native Scientist, NetLang, Residências Refúgio, RISE – Roma Inclusive School Experience, Syrian Refugees Theatre, VIW – Voices of Immigrant Women, WOMANART
