
The starting idea is that the “comparatist”, even if he does not always say it in these terms, even if he prefers to speak, using an older vocabulary, of “parallels” and “comparative facts” (what is a fact? vast question…), is also, and perhaps even first of all, a constructor of “possible” literature. William Marx writes: “One could even use the word-valise of probablibraries to designate those sets of texts or occurrences that intervene in a more or less probable way in the genealogy of another text” (Des Etoiles nouvelles, 2021). One dared to imagine, on a day when one had nothing better to do, a “postextual” method where the critic admits without too many scruples that one builds a text with the help of other bits of texts and that reading is another word for inventing. In short, this conference centers around the link that can be established between comparatism and constructivism. There will be case studies, concrete examples, more “theorizing” approaches, and no doubt also frank demonstrations of “interventionist” criticism. “To read is to create in pairs,” said Balzac. And another added: “Literature will be made by all, not by one”.
With the participation, among others, of Nicolas Aude, Maria Cabral, Romain Bionda, Emmanuel Bouju, Karen Haddad, William Marx and the international network LEA ! Reading in Europe Today.

Practical Info

December 1 & 2 2022


  • University of Antwerp Stadscampus
  • Klooster van de Grauwzusters – ​Promotiezaal
  • Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen
  • Info on the conference center