Seminário WOMANART #27 – Alexandra Reza (Oxford University)

Dia 04 de dezembro de 2020, às 16h, decorrereu online, via zoom, o Seminário WOMANART #27, com a presença da Dra. Alexandra Reza (Oxford University) com a sessão:

‘Where are the women?’ Gender, work and anti-colonial writing
I’m going to talk about my ongoing research into two journals, Présence Africaine, published in Paris from 1947, and Mensagem, published in Lisbon between 1948 and 1964. These journals offer a highly suggestive archive from which to bring forward women in (literary) anti-colonial histories. They render women partially-visible and draw attention to the divisions of labour that go into the production of literary work. In the context of the paucity of women authors at both journals in the 1950s and 1960s, I will discuss questions of historiography, archiving and the (non-representative) significance of existing women’s literary writing.